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Hi Roni,

I will answer your questions based on info provided:

Answer to question 1) The reason why it is not using all 100 strategies is because some of the strategies are similar to others and so they are not moved to collections. In the collections tab there is a Records Stats box that will show the reason why some startegies are removed.

Answer to question 2) When you use premium data you have much more historical data than you do when you download data from pepperstone. This can be seen by the count of bars. With the preminum data there is a count of bars of 984, and with peperstone the count of bars is 300. So with the preminum data EA Studio can collect more strategies than with peperstone so the number of strategies moved to collection will be more with premium data than with peperstone.

Answer to question 3) This is because premium data has more history than you get with pepperstone so EA Studio cannot start collecting strategies as far back in time as it can with premium data.

Answer to question 4) Not all brokers are the same as their historical data is not the same. As a result you will get a different number of trades when you use different brokers. One thing you can do is to run the same EA on several different brokers in a demo account and let it run for a month. Then look at the results. The broker you would then want to use for live trading would be the one with the best performance.


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