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It depends with how much you will be starting…people afford different things.
1000USD i think is a very good amouth to start with.
But you can start even with 300-400usd if you are trading portfolio of 0.01.
If you saw the course “How to create 100s of Strategies”, there Mr Aleksandrov is showing how it is possible to rise the small trading account.
So it depands on your EAs and your trading volume.
Mistakes are always there…i have met so many…i was scamed with brokers, i trade manually some systems that were totally loosing from some so called “Forex traders”, but just after coming to the academy i udnerstoon my mistakes. And now i can say that my start point of trading is when i started here with the courses and the software…and i try to forget the bad expirience i had before that.
Just study hard, practise, test all with FSB Pro and you will be alright…