Home Forums EA Studio Generator in EA Studio The Generator Cannot Find Strategies Reply To: The Generator Cannot Find Strategies


I have one instance of EA Studio running now for 7 hours with a total calculated strategies of 47000 which calculates to be an average of 6700 strategies per hour which is about the same as what you are seeing and I have 12 strategies collected.  low number of collected strategies is due to my filtering.   I have a lot of chrome windows open and three instances of FSBpro running.  So the reason why my EA Studio is running slowly is most likely because my processor is simply just working too hard.  One reason you might not be getting any collected strategies could be a result of your Acceptance Criteria filtering.  In your Acceptance Criteria I see you are looking for a minimum net profit of $10.00.  This might be too high of an expectation.   Delete the Minimum Net Profit filter in your Acceptance Criteria.  You can filter this later in the Collection.  If you do this I would expect you would start seeing collected strategies.  Be patient as sometimes it could take awhile before you start to see some collected strategies.

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