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Ok thanks Samuel and Petko, I really appreciate the advice. I am now working on a new 1:1 risk / reward project but the EAs will be generated using adjusted settings as per your recommendations.

The last couple of days i have been playing with the 100K / 200K bars method, or actually i have been testing using different date periods, for example generating EA using data horizon 1.1.20 to 31.12.21. Then downloading collection and re calculating based on data 1.1.20 to 31.7.22, so each EA shows performance in green on the chart for the “new” 7 month period ie 1.1.22 to 31.7.22. So far i have had mixed results with this, I would have expected that for EAs generated using robustness tools that performed  well in 1.1.20 to 31.12.21 MOST (but not all) would continue to perform well in the 1.1.22 to 31.7.22 period. But that has not been happening, in fact i have yet to generate a collection which has a higher profit figure in Portolio as at 31.7.22 compared to 31.12.21. Is there any reason why that might be? I am sure they have not been over optimised as i have used the settings as per above.


As ever any advice always appreciated.


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