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Hi Samuel,

I will answer your above questions.
First of all I took all 440 robots generated to date and ran them through the Validator with the normal settings and came up with a nice small pool of 42 robots.  I will continue to generate more robots to add to this pool each day.  I can now further filter this pool of robots to chose those to add to my portfolio of 10 MT4 accounts.

In addition to generating my own robots I have a few courses from Petko where I get an assortment of robots he has generated each month.

Now that I have run the Reactor several times since all the issues have been resolved I will be adding more Reactors over the next several days to see how many Reactors I can run at one time without reducing the number of robots generated per minute.

Right now I am generating on average 1200 robots per minute.  Also, I am collecting on average 8 robots per hour.

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