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I am using 5 years of data for both M15 and H1.  I have all setting as per “Forex Strategy Course + 12 EAs I Trade Live” course and I am using Premium data starting from 2017.  The EA Studio Reactor running H1 is doing fine and after 9 hours the Collections is 52.  However, the EA Studio Reactor running M15 after 9 hours has Zero Collections.  I stopped it.  As a test I changed the minimum trades from 300 to 100 and after 10 minute it had collected 3 trades.  I then stopped it.  I reset minimum trades back to 300 and restarted the Reactor.  After 2 minutes I got the following message “The Generator Cannot Find Strategies Possible reasons: Too strict Acceptance Criteria, Cannot make enough profit, Improper range of Stop Loss, Improper range of Take Profit.”  I then set the minimum trades to 200 and still get the error message after 2 minutes.  So I have set the minimum trades back to 100.  After 11 minutes it has collected 3 strategies and will leave it there.  I guess I am surprised that I have to set minimum trades to 100.  I would have expected M15 to have more trades than H1.  Does this seem correct to you?  Or, does something seem not correct?

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