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Also David, is the backtest quality in EA studio showing as 100%? I personally don’t use M1 timeframe but it could be an ambigious bar problem (I doubt it but we will investigate)

Honestly, don’t be depressed or dispair David. I assure you that there is no issue with EA studio and I will help you get to the bottom of the mismatch so you can move forward. Also I am sure Petko will chime in soon to help also.

If needs be you can even send me one of your EA’s and I can repeat the test for myself (I’d need more than just the screen shot above however as I dont know all the inputs for indicators)

I am also not saying you shouldn’t check 20 strategies etc. But focus all your efforts on a single one for now. You are trying to do too much too fast (Which I completely understand as it is my habit also!!)

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