Stay up-to-date with the cryptos Petko purchases
Many of our traders wanted to know which cryptocurrencies Petko buys, when he buys them, and at what prices. Now all of that is publicly available.
Crypto tracker for all investments
Receive Buy and Sell alerts whenever Petko buys or sells a crypto. You will know which asset he buys, how much of it, at what price, and what his reasons for doing it are.
Closed group chat with other investors
Access a private group chat with other crypto investors and traders. You will be able to ask questions, share your experience and send direct messages to Petko Aleksandrov.
Access the Crypto spreadsheet
Petko will share his personal Crypto spreadsheet and you will be able to track all of his investments. In addition, you will be able to make a copy of it and use it for yourself.
Why we started this project and what can you expect when subscribing?
In this video, Petko explains the concept of the service so you can easily decide if this is right for you or not.
Subscribing to the Patreon page of Petko Alexandrov, will allow you to easily track all of his crypto investments.
You will get notified when Petko purchases a crypto or when he decides to sell one. From there you can decide for yourself if you want to act or not.
Do not take the trading volume that Petko uses as a recommendation. It is your personal choice how much you want to invest.
This service is educational and demonstrational, and should not be considered as a trading advice.
How to use the Crypto Spreadsheet?
Once you subscribe you will be able to download the spreadsheet immediately and track the crypto portfolio.
- Follow Petko’s crypto investments instantly
- Make a copy of the spreadsheet to track your crypto portfolio
- Modify the columns and the cells to suit your needs
- Keep your crypto investing up to date and updated
Note: Petko will update the spreadsheet whenever he does a new investment. Sometimes it might take a few weeks for the next purchase, and when the market is volatile, Petko acts a few times a week.
The Crypto spreadsheet will be updated and modified. The spreadsheet will likely look different from the video by the time you subscribe.
Some additional notes before you subscribe:
- When you Subscribe, you will be charged at the beginning of the following month (this gives you enough time to decide if this is the right service for you)
- You can cancel your subscription at any time
- Feel free to ask questions, share your ideas and crypto experience