Home Forums Trading Courses Assignments for the Trading Courses Reply To: Assignments for the Trading Courses

User Avatarkntrading

“Which broker did you choose for your trading? Is it legit?”

“Did you open a Demo account with the same size you are planning to trade real?”
Yes, 100k DarwinexZero account

“Did you download the Expert Advisors and unzip them?”

“When placing the Expert Advisors in the Demo account, did you see the smiley face?”
I’m on Mac, so they don’t show up as smiley faces

“Do you see trades opening and closing? What are the first results?”
Not yet, only been a few hours. Instead I have been focusing on doing backtest for each strategy for every month for the entire 2024. Results below:

Backtest results
Settings for each EA updated to the newest settings according to the course. Do these results seem reasonable? It’s a farcry from 5% a month though (supposedly very realistic according to Petko in one of the recent videos on Youtube channel). Backtest is done with Strategy Tester within Metatrader 5 for Mac. Not sure if I did everything correct or whether there’s an easier way, but I basically brute forced it by selecting Jan 1 to Jan 31 2024 for the first strategy, then manually typed in the results in an Excel, then went on with Feb etc, then repeat for each strategy.

All feedback are welcome.

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